Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Venezuelan Beef (Pabellon Criollo)

Beef for stew, (I used flan but it was to hard meat)
3 Carrots sliced
5 green onions
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp cumin
3 garlic clove minced
2 tomato chopped
salt and pepper
serve with rice cilantro and black beans.
And Cheese Queso.

Brown the meat both side then bring to boil with water and bay leave salt and pepper, 1/2 green onion and 1/2 garlic. Boil for at least 1 hour and haft or 2 hours. The meat need to shred easy. Remove the meat, drain water, saute in oil and butter rest of the green onions and garlic carrot tomato, cumin, salt and pepper. Heat at low for about 30 minutes until carrots are done. Add beef. Serve with black bean, rice with cilantro and cheese. We liked it but I didn't use the right type of beef. Beef stew will be much better. Kids didn't like it that much because the meat was hard. But flavor is great.

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